The Spoonbill Generator

Credible Safe Kill Factor

Virus warfare for our times       [Apsley]

Deployed against all extant mimes       [F]

Has long enjoyed a poor repute       [Apsley]

Among the mass who'd nuke the mute       [asdf]

For, choice of weapon being dear,       [Apsley]

Be frugal: slay him with a spear.       [Dassn\'t Say]

Not a spear you'd use to hunt       [Apsley]

But one you'd use to pierce a runt       [F]

For that's the best for trash like him       [Apsley]

An end appropriately grim       [fester]

Contributors: Apsley, F, asdf, Dassn't Say, fester.
Poem finished: 5th October 2004 by asdf.