The Spoonbill Generator

Sidcup Half-remembered

It's not the custom, nowadays       [Roland ]

To bare one's knees in Spring       [Beefy ]

Or sauce one's nuts with hollandaise       [F ]

To please a maid in Tring       [Apsley ]

Our ancestors, to some extent       [Roland ]

Found purpose in repeating       [will_h ]

One maxim, wheresoe'er they went:       [Roland ]

There's nothing gained by bleating       [Apsley ]

And yet, when impetigo strikes       [Roland ]

The nether parts of legs,       [Apsley ]

It spreads to horses, spreads to bikes       [Roland ]

However much one begs       [Beefy ]

Lumbago, too, is quite a curse       [F ]

It's really rather trying       [Beefy ]

Unless you have a live-in nurse       [F ]

There's nothing gained by crying       [Beefy ]

Contributors: Roland, Beefy, F, Apsley, will_h.
Poem finished: 15th December 2004 by Roland.