The Spoonbill Generator

Envious Neighbors

They say that those who live their lives       [Beefy ]

In quiet desperation       [Karin ]

Will one day find a hope that thrives       [Beefy ]

In sens'ry deprivation       [Kansas Sam ]

But such beliefs I cast aside       [F ]

In hope of resurrection       [Beefy ]

(And yes, I'm being somewhat snide)       [F ]

But will I pass inspection?       [Beefy ]

They say that those who toast their bread       [F ]

In some antique contraption       [Beefy ]

Will always live their lives in dread       [Will H ]

And never (sob) gain traction       [F ]

But such beliefs I treat with scorn       [Beefy ]

In fear of cruel perdition       [Helen Owly ]

(And, yes, I do know that I'm born)       [Beefy ]

Though my autobio's fiction       [F ]

Contributors: Beefy, Karin, Kansas Sam, F, Will H, Helen Owly.
Poem finished: 18th November 2004 by Beefy.