The Spoonbill Generator

Juicy John Chest Unit

Yield unto me, maiden fresh,       [Apsley ]

First the soul, and then the flesh       [Roland ]

First the slipper, then the gown       [Beefy ]

Now at last! What? Fifty pounds?       [fester ]

       [cin ]

Yield unto me, maiden pure       [Beefy ]

First the pox, and then the cure       [Roland ]

Sliding down the throat so sweet       [Apsley ]

Now the pelvis! Soon, the feet       [Roland ]

Heavy breathing, sweat and tears       [cin ]

First the loins, and then the ears       [Roland ]

First the slither, then the groan       [Beefy ]

Aaaaaargh! (Too bad I'm all alone)       [Roland ]

Contributors: Apsley, Roland, Beefy, fester, cin.
Poem finished: 14th September 2004 by Beefy.