The Spoonbill Generator

Home Time Before Cock-crow

Why do I sit here, why do I strive [TG]

To stay half-awake (on a good day) [Roland]

Is it for this that I'm staying alive? [TG]

Is it the teamwork? Is it the pay? [Roland]

Is it the hope of a pension? [TG]

Is it the terror of further decay? [Roland]

Maybe the lack of attention [TG]

From all but the janitor's clerk [Roland]

(To whom I had promised a mention) [TG]

A lunchtime or two in the park [Roland]

Then doze till a quarter past five [TG]

Then stumble on home, in the dark [Roland]

Contributors: TG, Roland.
Poem finished: 26th May 2004 by TG.