The Spoonbill Generator

Hen Pectoral Commemorated

Suffolk Asian – who would choose [loaf]

A styful of the stoutest swine [Beefy ]

If yielding up the youngest ewes [loaf]

Could turn the water into wine [Beefy ]

And semen into ooze [Apsley]

Emphysema – who could doubt [loaf]

But Chaucer had it first [Apsley]

And when he tried to sweat it out [loaf]

His stomach damn' near burst [Beefy ]

With this despairing shout: [loaf]

'Sodde the miller, sodde the priest [Beefy ]

And swyve the Wyfe of Bathe' [Apsley]

He would not yield to man nor beast [Beefy ]

Whate'er the aftermath [Grayman]

Or not till now, at least [Beefy ]

He wrastled strongly, strongly fought, [Apsley]

And would not bend the knee [Beefy ]

To those who prosody once taught [Apsley]

To hapless fools like me [Beefy ]

Alliterative without being sought [Apsley]

Contributors: loaf, Beefy, Apsley, Grayman.
Poem finished: 30th March 2004 by Anon..