The Spoonbill Generator

Despite Themselves

Captain Mesmer brought me 'round [Apsley]

He was most charismatic [F]

He tied me up to his old hound [Apsley]

Although I was asthmatic [F]

He bade me cough three times an hour [Beefy ]

And ladled out some syrup [Randy]

And then he took me to his bower [Apsley]

This next will make you tear up: [Karin]

He twirled around three times and spat [F]

Into a golden bowl [Beefy ]

And then he kicked me in the prat [(trad)]

And sundered thus my whole [Apsley]

He healed me, though; I kid you not [F]

Since done, I am, with 'cure' [Kansas Sam]

His therapy allayed my clot [F]

My person once more is pure [Karin]

Contributors: Apsley, F, Beefy, Randy, Karin, (trad), Kansas Sam.
Poem finished: 7th January 2004 by Anon..