Plangent Daily Wailing
Cadences so swift and deft that man coulld hardly follow
Rhythms sprung and verses sung in honour of Apollo
Modulations executed in a soft legato
Virtuoso violinists playing pizzicato
Softly piping woodwinds, with a single chime to follow
Pianists playing perfectly and in Phrygian mode
Dulcet declamations of an applaudatory ode
Murmuring susurrations of impending acclamation
Diffidently, performers anticipate approbation
Of the kind that often leads to frenzied exclamation
Quaver follows quaver in a Glittering glissando
Faster! And then faster still! And now accelerando!
Baton flashing swiftly deftly drives the drummers frantic
And poets look for words that only prove that they're pedantic
As everything resolves, resounds, the last chord played sforzando.
Contributors: | Apsley, Hamish, Grayman, fester, dkb, TG. |
Poem finished: | 22nd May 2000. |