The Spoonbill Generator

Map of the Primitive Song

Sleep, curly savage, on the forest floor. [Katie ]

None shall disturb you [TG]

No gnome shall mock you when you snore [KT]

No rules shall curb you [TG]

Breathe in the birdsong and the leafy shade [KT]

Dream of the mating [TG]

Hear the sweet noises that your lover made [KT]

Under the grating [The Agent Apsley]

Wake in the morning to the misty dawn [KT]

Dawn that is hazy: [The Agent Apsley]

List for the cry of the far distant horn [TG]

Don't be too lazy [KT]

Slink in the gloaming by the tranquil tarn [E Greejius]

Down through the arbour [KT]

Steal a plump hen from the old farmer's barn [TG]

Smother the barber [Roland]

Spear you a fish in the babbling brook [KT]

Made out of dreams [The Agent Apsley]

Listen to lies from a gabbling crook [Jumbo]

And eat custard creams [Barbie]

Hide from the rains in a she-wolf's old lair [TG]

Silly old bear [The Agent Apsley]

Comb all the knots from your tangles of hair [KT]

That hang anywhere [Roland]

Run from the dawn with the speed of a snake [The Agent Apsley]

Treeline for cover [TG]

Rest on the lawn in the shade of a rake [KT]

Like a dead plover [The Agent Apsley]

Contributors: Katie, TG, KT, The Agent Apsley, E Greejius, Roland, Jumbo, Barbie.
Poem finished: 25th October 1999.