The Spoonbill Generator

Celibate Coinage in Whitechapel Lane

Poem composition is a task the world adores [The Agent Apsley]

Though reading what's been written ain't so modish [Roland]

Hence the mighty epics that collect in musty drawers [Grayman]

Rebuke us [Roland]

Skeletal emission is a task the saints inspired [The Agent Apsley]

Though lily-pond athletics aren't so toadish [Roland]

As fractures of the compound sort are always least required [Grayman]

Like mucus. [Roland]

World emancipation is a goal we all embrace [The Agent Apsley]

(Though we can take or leave the antipodish) [Grayman]

Until we stream like seaweed through the voids of Outer Space [Roland]

Or fructose. [The Agent Apsley]

'Slow deliberation' is the maxim of the wise [Grayman]

All save Col Saunders choose a slow dish [Roland]

To serve unto the merchant folk who meals devise [The Agent Apsley]

& suck those [loaf]

Westphelians think the end of time is near, [Stacy]

To poets, its very clear [nomi]

That, as you progress through the poem, the scansion and rhyme-scheme go to bug [TG]

And crumble [Grayman]

Into dust akin to slime [The Agent Apsley]

But those of us with murder on our minds [Davy]

Regret the casual felony that fiction often finds [The Agent Apsley]

Hence forth the wrath of the mighty slug doth creep through our minds [alec]

With no rhyme [TG]

Contributors: The Agent Apsley, Roland, Grayman, loaf, Stacy, nomi, TG, Davy, alec.
Poem finished: 5th June 1999.