The Spoonbill Generator

Vulva buoy

Give me a coin and pass by [TG]

My terrier and my balloon [Roland]

Are all that comfort me now [TG]

When cider, cementing and spoon [Roland]

Become but the blink of an eye [TG]

And victims of destiny's plough [Roland]

Give me a nod and a wink [TG]

That tells of a hemline advanced [Roland]

Beyond common decency's range [TG]

In ballrooms where nobody danced [Roland]

Save those sporting ankle-length mink [TG]

All spotted with mildew and mange [Roland]

Give me a reason to fly [TG]

Or at least not to sink like a stone [P]

My family have left me quite skint [TG]

They're refusing to answer the phone [spreadsheet]

They never acknowledge that I [TG]

Am hobbled, for want of a splint [Roland]

Give me your money, or die [TG]

From a virulent plague of the soul [P]

That only pariahs can cure; [Roland]

Let me not stay on the dole! [P]

Give me enough means to try [TG]

Lest 'more' be mutated to 'fewer' [Roland]

Give me a ring, and we'll chat [TG]

In parks, where the Juggernauts roar [Roland]

And children lie drowned in the pond [P]

For if we're too proud to be poor [Roland]

We'll have to admit that that's that [TG]

And benison blossoms beyond. [Roland]

Contributors: TG, Roland, P.
Poem finished: 14th May 1999.