The Spoonbill Generator

Music Shadows Repetitively

An amphora of Egyptian darkness [Rippy]

Fell off the mantel and broke into a million pieces [Home Powerful One]

The djinn hovered in the dust [nomi]

Radiating soulfulness [Bop]

The Budha picks his nose [Rippy]

The djinn frowns [nomi]

At the Budha [Shen]

And still the celestials dance [Rippy]

to the music of the moon [jdafi4ewj]

As every demigod must [TG]

Except the Holy Prophet [The Agent Apsley]

and...the djinn [nomi]

The rheumy eyed rummy djinn pondered [dano]

Over the sunlit dance [Shen]

And when the music stopped [Rippy]

It shrunk. [Anon.]

Contributors: Rippy, Home Powerful One, nomi, Bop, Shen, jdafi4ewj, TG, The Agent Apsley, dano, Anon..
Poem finished: 24th January 1999.