The Spoonbill Generator

Caramel Cribbage-Board

Keeping pace on cobbled lanes, [Stacy]

Cannibals consenting [Roland]

Cannibus consuming, [Stacy]

Beating gates to ward off thanes [The Agent Apsley]

Roisterers relenting [TG]

Keeping time to all good beats, [Stacy]

While the squares are fuming [TG]

Cannibus consuming, [Stacy]

Keeping pace on cobbled lanes; [The Agent Apsley]

Hannibal's repenting [Josh]

Thwarting sins of younger days, [Stacy]

Volunteers beheading; [The Agent Apsley]

Beating eggs to keep the piece [TG]

While the squires are grooming. [The Agent Apsley]

Stealing Time from Precious Ours, [KD]

Capitals espousing, [The Agent Apsley]

Lower case arousing, [Stacy]

Taking still the sulpiride [The Agent Apsley]

And the lithium sulphate, [GED]

Egging on the Keeper's niece [TG]

Acrid winged eel fingerlings. [Stacy]

Saving face in troubled times, [Capt. B. Fart]

Calipers relaxing [TG]

Junipers reacting, [Stacy]

Poets prophylacting [The Agent Apsley]

Trying not to do a crime, [Stacy]

Lest the poem end with slime. [The Agent Apsley]

Enough! You're overacting! [TG]

Exciting! Exacting! [Mah-jong]

They say I'm OVERACTING?! [Stacy]


There once was a lady named Charmaine [Anon.]

Who sniffed the occasional cocain, [Stacy]

The mess that it made of her brain [TG]

Neurons miszooming [Ian]

Poetry consuming [kimber]

Keeping the scheme proved too much of a strain [TG]

Contributors: Stacy, Roland, The Agent Apsley, TG, Josh, KD, GED, Capt. B. Fart, Mah-jong, Anon., Ian, kimber.
Poem finished: 15th March 1998.