The Spoonbill Generator

Half-wits in Paradise

I've heard it said that Hell is other people [TG]

And Heaven is an instant on your own [Roland]

searched in far too many eyes for the truth; - they told me lies [just this girl]

And alibis [Roland]

I've often heard that hope is in Hawaii [TG]

(Despair is said to be quite near Cologne) [Roland]

Knocked on too many doors for the Lord: - they bade me go [TG]

To Mexico [Roland]

I often heard the bell atop the steeple [TG]

It's ring is that of the phone, [Stacy]

Looked through too many blinds for the light; - they drove me mad [TG]

Me and my Dad [Roland]

I'm often told I look like Ringo Starr [P]

Though he, himself, is not a bit like me [Loaf]

Listened to too many drones for the beat; - they called me names [TG]

And other games [P]

I often wear carnations in mine armpit [Roland]

A task much easier now that I have grown [P]

Weeding out the wilted flowers - don't like the dead ones [Stacy]

Or red ones [TG]

Contributors: TG, Roland, just this girl, Stacy, P, Loaf.
Poem finished: 5th January 1998.