The Spoonbill Generator

The Throat Effect

Gorgonzola partridge [Roland]

Rhubarb esplanade [P]

Shining on the gantry [Roland]

Frozen lemonade [P]

Courteous armadillo [Roland]

Psychic rubber plant [P]

Crying in the pantry [Roland]

Heliotropic chant [P]

Quadraplegic dustbin [Roland]

Trifle a la mode [TG]

Carping at the party [Roland]

Barfing on the road [TG]

Bleary aspidistra [Roland]

Cycle shorts in blue [TG]

Tragedia dell'Arte [Roland]

Transylvanian flu [TG]

Spineless pecadillo [P]

Marinaded quiff [Roland]

Ghost of Moriarty [P]

Heavy metal riff [Roland]

Acrobatic car-park [P]

Psychedelic snuff [TG]

Epileptic tooth-pick [Anon.]

More than quite enough! [Roland]

Contributors: Roland, P, TG, Anon..
Poem finished: 4th January 1998.