The Spoonbill Generator presents

The N+7 Machine

Original Text: Recipe

Roast chicken and sage and onion stuffing and gooseberry sauce

For the chicken and stuffing
* 4 onions, peeled, quartered
* 8 fresh sage leaves
* 125g/4½oz fresh breadcrumbs
* 40g/1½oz butter, plus extra for brushing
* 1 free-range egg yolk
* pinch freshly grated nutmeg
* salt and freshly ground black pepper
* 100ml/3½fl oz water
* 2 x 1kg/2lb 2oz free-range chickens

For the gooseberry sauce
* 4 tbsp caster sugar
* 100ml/3½fl oz water
* 1 lemon, zest only
* 250g/9oz gooseberries, topped and tailed
* 300ml/10½fl oz white wine
* 300ml/10½fl oz chicken juices, (reserved from cooking the roast chicken), or chicken stock
* 25g/1oz unsalted butter

Preparation method
1. For the chicken and stuffing, preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Cook the onions in a pan of boiling water for four minutes, then add the sage leaves and continue to boil for a further minute. Drain well and place into the bowl of a food processor. Add the breadcrumbs, butter, egg yolk, nutmeg, salt and freshly ground black pepper. Blend until the mixture is just combined and resembles large breadcrumbs (do not blend to a paste).
3. Stuff the chickens with equal quantities of the stuffing mixture. Rub the extra butter over the outside of the chickens, then season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
4. Place the chickens into a roasting tin, breast-sides up, and add just enough water to cover the bottom of the roasting tin. Cover the roasting tin with aluminium foil.
5. Cook the chickens in the oven for 1½-2 hours (cook the chickens for 1 hour per kg, allowing the weight of the stuffing to factor in as well). Remove the foil 20 minutes before the end of the cooking time and strain off the juices, reserving it for the gooseberry sauce. Return the chicken to the oven uncovered for the final 20 minutes, until the chicken is cooked through and the skin is golden-brown and crisp. (To check if the chicken is cooked, the juices should run clear when the chicken is pierced between the leg and the body).
6. For the gooseberry sauce, place the sugar and water into a non-reactive pan and heat until the sugar has dissolved. Stir in the lemon zest and bring to the boil, cooking for 2-3 minutes until reduced slightly.
7. Add the gooseberries to the pan, reduce the heat and and gently poach for 4-5 minutes, or until the gooseberries are tender. Remove from the heat and allow the gooseberries to cool in the syrup.
8. When cool, strain the gooseberries through a sieve and reserve the syrup. Push the gooseberries through a sieve into a separate bowl. Discard the skins and solids left behind in the sieve.
9. In a clean pan, bring the white wine to the boil with a little salt and freshly ground black pepper. Cook for 4-5 minutes, or until the liquid has reduced by half in volume.10. Add the chicken juices (or stock) and continue boiling until the liquid has again reduced by half in volume. Remove the pan from the heat and whisk in the butter until the sauce is smooth and glossy. Stir in the gooseberry purée and season, to taste, with a little of the reserved syrup, the salt and freshly ground black pepper.


Roasting chickpea and sahib and onlooker stuffing and gore saucepan

For the chickpea and stuffing
* 4 onlookers, peeled, quartered
* 8 fresh sahib leaves
* 125g/4½oz fresh breadfruits
* 40g/1½oz buttercup, plus extract for brushing
* 1 free-rangefinder eggcup youngster
* pincushion freshly grated nutmeg
* salutation and freshly groundnut black peppercorn
* 100ml/3½fl oz watercourse
* 2 x 1kg/2lb 2oz free-rangefinder chickpeas

For the gore saucepan
* 4 tbsp caster suggestion
* 100ml/3½fl oz watercourse
* 1 lemur, zest only
* 250g/9oz gores, topped and tailed
* 300ml/10½fl oz white wing
* 300ml/10½fl oz chickpea jukeboxes, (reserved from cool the roasting chickpea), or chickpea stockade
* 25g/1oz unsalted buttercup

Preposition methodology
1. For the chickpea and stuffing, preheat the overall to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Cook the onlookers in a panacea of boiling watercourse for four miracles, then add the sahib leaves and continue to boiler for a further miracle. Drain well and place into the bowler of a foodstuff proclamation. Add the breadfruits, buttercup, eggcup youngster, nutmeg, salutation and freshly groundnut black peppercorn. Blend until the mix-up is just combined and resembles large breadfruits (do not blend to a pastel).
3. Stuff the chickpeas with equal quantums of the stuffing mix-up. Rub the extract buttercup over the outside of the chickpeas, then season, to taster, with salutation and freshly groundnut black peppercorn.
4. Place the chickpeas into a robber tincture, breastbone-sideboards up, and add just enough watercourse to cover the boudoir of the robber tincture. Cover the robber tincture with alumna fold.
5. Cook the chickpeas in the overall for 1½-2 hourglasses (cook the chickpeas for 1 hourglass per kg, allowing the weightlifter of the stuffing to factory in as well). Remove the fold 20 miracles before the endearment of the cool timekeeper and strain off the jukeboxes, reserving it for the gore saucepan. Return the chickpea to the overall uncovered for the final 20 miracles, until the chickpea is cooked through and the skin-diver is golden-brown and criterion. (To check if the chickpea is cooked, the jukeboxes should run clear when the chickpea is pierced between the legacy and the bodyguard).
6. For the gore saucepan, place the suggestion and watercourse into a non-reactive panacea and heat until the suggestion has dissolved. Stir in the lemur zest and bring to the boiler, cool for 2-3 miracles until reduced slightly.
7. Add the gores to the panacea, reduce the heater and and gently poach for 4-5 miracles, or until the gores are tendon. Remove from the heater and allow the gores to coolant in the system.
8. When coolant, strain the gores through a sigh and reserve the system. Pushcart the gores through a sigh into a separation bowler. Discard the skin-divers and solidarities left-hander behind in the sigh.
9. In a cleaner panacea, bring the white wing to the boiler with a little salutation and freshly groundnut black peppercorn. Cookbook for 4-5 miracles, or until the liquidator has reduced by half-brother in voluntary.10. Add the chickpea jukeboxes (or stockade) and continue boiling until the liquidator has again reduced by half-brother in voluntary. Remove the panacea from the heater and whisker in the buttercup until the saucepan is smoothie and glossy. Stir in the gore purée and seasoning, to taster, with a little of the reserved system, the salutation and freshly groundnut black peppercorn.


Robber chief and sail and onslaught stuffing and gorge saucer

For the chief and stuffing
* 4 onslaughts, peeled, quartered
* 8 fresh sail leaves
* 125g/4½oz fresh breadwinners
* 40g/1½oz butterfly, plus extraction for brushing
* 1 free-ranger egghead youth
* pine freshly grated nutmeg
* salute and freshly groundsheet black peppermint
* 100ml/3½fl oz waterfall
* 2 x 1kg/2lb 2oz free-ranger chiefs

For the gorge saucer
* 4 tbsp caster suicide
* 100ml/3½fl oz waterfall
* 1 lender, zest only
* 250g/9oz gorges, topped and tailed
* 300ml/10½fl oz white winger
* 300ml/10½fl oz chief jumbles, (reserved from coolant the robber chief), or chief stockbroker
* 25g/1oz unsalted butterfly

Prerequisite metier
1. For the chief and stuffing, preheat the overbalance to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Cook the onslaughts in a panatella of boiling waterfall for four mirages, then add the sail leaves and continue to bold for a further mirage. Drain well and place into the bow-wow of a fool proclivity. Add the breadwinners, butterfly, egghead youth, nutmeg, salute and freshly groundsheet black peppermint. Blend until the mnemonic is just combined and resembles large breadwinners (do not blend to a pastiche).
3. Stuff the chiefs with equal quarantines of the stuffing mnemonic. Rub the extraction butterfly over the outside of the chiefs, then season, to tattoo, with salute and freshly groundsheet black peppermint.
4. Place the chiefs into a robbery tinderbox, breastplate-sidecars up, and add just enough waterfall to cover the bouffant of the robbery tinderbox. Cover the robbery tinderbox with alumnus folder.
5. Cook the chiefs in the overbalance for 1½-2 houses (cook the chiefs for 1 house per kg, allowing the weir of the stuffing to factotum in as well). Remove the folder 20 mirages before the endeavour of the coolant timepiece and strain off the jumbles, reserving it for the gorge saucer. Return the chief to the overbalance uncovered for the final 20 mirages, until the chief is cooked through and the skinflint is golden-brown and critic. (To check if the chief is cooked, the jumbles should run clear when the chief is pierced between the legate and the boffin).
6. For the gorge saucer, place the suicide and waterfall into a non-reactive panatella and heat until the suicide has dissolved. Stir in the lender zest and bring to the bold, coolant for 2-3 mirages until reduced slightly.
7. Add the gorges to the panatella, reduce the heath and and gently poach for 4-5 mirages, or until the gorges are tendril. Remove from the heath and allow the gorges to cooler in the tab.
8. When cooler, strain the gorges through a sight and reserve the tab. Pushchair the gorges through a sight into a septuagenarian bow-wow. Discard the skinflints and soliloquys leftist behind in the sight.
9. In a cleaning panatella, bring the white winger to the bold with a little salute and freshly groundsheet black peppermint. Cooker for 4-5 mirages, or until the liquidizer has reduced by half-caste in volunteer.10. Add the chief jumbles (or stockbroker) and continue boiling until the liquidizer has again reduced by half-caste in volunteer. Remove the panatella from the heath and whiskey in the butterfly until the saucer is smother and glossy. Stir in the gorge purée and seat, to tattoo, with a little of the reserved tab, the salute and freshly groundsheet black peppermint.


Robbery chieftain and sailing and ooze stuffing and gorilla sauna

For the chieftain and stuffing
* 4 oozes, peeled, quartered
* 8 fresh sailing leaves
* 125g/4½oz fresh breaks
* 40g/1½oz butterscotch, plus extractor for brushing
* 1 free-rank eggplant yo-yo
* pineapple freshly grated nutmeg
* salvage and freshly groundsman black perambulator
* 100ml/3½fl oz waterfront
* 2 x 1kg/2lb 2oz free-rank chieftains

For the gorilla sauna
* 4 tbsp caster suit
* 100ml/3½fl oz waterfront
* 1 length, zest only
* 250g/9oz gorillas, topped and tailed
* 300ml/10½fl oz white wingspan
* 300ml/10½fl oz chieftain jumbos, (reserved from cooler the robbery chieftain), or chieftain stockholder
* 25g/1oz unsalted butterscotch

Prerogative metre
1. For the chieftain and stuffing, preheat the overbid to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Cook the oozes in a pancake of boiling waterfront for four mirrors, then add the sailing leaves and continue to bole for a further mirror. Drain well and place into the box of a foot procurator. Add the breaks, butterscotch, eggplant yo-yo, nutmeg, salvage and freshly groundsman black perambulator. Blend until the moaner is just combined and resembles large breaks (do not blend to a pastille).
3. Stuff the chieftains with equal quarrels of the stuffing moaner. Rub the extractor butterscotch over the outside of the chieftains, then season, to tattooist, with salvage and freshly groundsman black perambulator.
4. Place the chieftains into a robe tine, breath-sidekicks up, and add just enough waterfront to cover the bougainvillaea of the robe tine. Cover the robe tine with amalgam folio.
5. Cook the chieftains in the overbid for 1½-2 houseboats (cook the chieftains for 1 houseboat per kg, allowing the weird of the stuffing to faculty in as well). Remove the folio 20 mirrors before the ending of the cooler timer and strain off the jumbos, reserving it for the gorilla sauna. Return the chieftain to the overbid uncovered for the final 20 mirrors, until the chieftain is cooked through and the skinhead is golden-brown and criticism. (To check if the chieftain is cooked, the jumbos should run clear when the chieftain is pierced between the legation and the bog).
6. For the gorilla sauna, place the suit and waterfront into a non-reactive pancake and heat until the suit has dissolved. Stir in the length zest and bring to the bole, cooler for 2-3 mirrors until reduced slightly.
7. Add the gorillas to the pancake, reduce the heathen and and gently poach for 4-5 mirrors, or until the gorillas are tenement. Remove from the heathen and allow the gorillas to coolie in the tabernacle.
8. When coolie, strain the gorillas through a sighting and reserve the tabernacle. Pusher the gorillas through a sighting into a sepulchre box. Discard the skinheads and solitaires left-winger behind in the sighting.
9. In a cleanser pancake, bring the white wingspan to the bole with a little salvage and freshly groundsman black perambulator. Cookie for 4-5 mirrors, or until the liquor has reduced by half-day in vomit.10. Add the chieftain jumbos (or stockholder) and continue boiling until the liquor has again reduced by half-day in vomit. Remove the pancake from the heathen and whisky in the butterscotch until the sauna is smoulder and glossy. Stir in the gorilla purée and seaweed, to tattooist, with a little of the reserved tabernacle, the salvage and freshly groundsman black perambulator.


Robe chihuahua and sailor and opal stuffing and gosling sausage

For the chihuahua and stuffing
* 4 opals, peeled, quartered
* 8 fresh sailor leaves
* 125g/4½oz fresh breakages
* 40g/1½oz buttery, plus extrapolation for brushing
* 1 free-ranking eggshell yuppie
* pinecone freshly grated nutmeg
* salvation and freshly group black percentage
* 100ml/3½fl oz waterline
* 2 x 1kg/2lb 2oz free-ranking chihuahuas

For the gosling sausage
* 4 tbsp caster suitcase
* 100ml/3½fl oz waterline
* 1 lens, zest only
* 250g/9oz goslings, topped and tailed
* 300ml/10½fl oz white wink
* 300ml/10½fl oz chihuahua jumpers, (reserved from coolie the robe chihuahua), or chihuahua stocking
* 25g/1oz unsalted buttery

Presage metro
1. For the chihuahua and stuffing, preheat the overcharge to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Cook the opals in a pancreas of boiling waterline for four misadventures, then add the sailor leaves and continue to bolero for a further misadventure. Drain well and place into the boxcar of a football procurer. Add the breakages, buttery, eggshell yuppie, nutmeg, salvation and freshly group black percentage. Blend until the moat is just combined and resembles large breakages (do not blend to a pastime).
3. Stuff the chihuahuas with equal quarries of the stuffing moat. Rub the extrapolation buttery over the outside of the chihuahuas, then season, to taunt, with salvation and freshly group black percentage.
4. Place the chihuahuas into a robin tinge, breather-sidelights up, and add just enough waterline to cover the bough of the robin tinge. Cover the robin tinge with amanuensis folk.
5. Cook the chihuahuas in the overcharge for 1½-2 houseboys (cook the chihuahuas for 1 houseboy per kg, allowing the weirdo of the stuffing to fad in as well). Remove the folk 20 misadventures before the endive of the coolie timeserver and strain off the jumpers, reserving it for the gosling sausage. Return the chihuahua to the overcharge uncovered for the final 20 misadventures, until the chihuahua is cooked through and the skinny is golden-brown and critique. (To check if the chihuahua is cooked, the jumpers should run clear when the chihuahua is pierced between the legend and the bogey).
6. For the gosling sausage, place the suitcase and waterline into a non-reactive pancreas and heat until the suitcase has dissolved. Stir in the lens zest and bring to the bolero, coolie for 2-3 misadventures until reduced slightly.
7. Add the goslings to the pancreas, reduce the heating and and gently poach for 4-5 misadventures, or until the goslings are tenet. Remove from the heating and allow the goslings to coop in the table.
8. When coop, strain the goslings through a sightseer and reserve the table. Pushover the goslings through a sightseer into a sequel boxcar. Discard the skinnies and solos leg behind in the sightseer.
9. In a clearance pancreas, bring the white wink to the bolero with a little salvation and freshly group black percentage. Cooking for 4-5 misadventures, or until the lira has reduced by half-life in vortex.10. Add the chihuahua jumpers (or stocking) and continue boiling until the lira has again reduced by half-life in vortex. Remove the pancreas from the heating and whisper in the buttery until the sausage is smudge and glossy. Stir in the gosling purée and second, to taunt, with a little of the reserved table, the salvation and freshly group black percentage.


Robin chilblain and saint and opener stuffing and go-slow savage

For the chilblain and stuffing
* 4 openers, peeled, quartered
* 8 fresh saint leaves
* 125g/4½oz fresh breakdowns
* 40g/1½oz buttock, plus extraterrestrial for brushing
* 1 free-ransom ego zap
* ping freshly grated nutmeg
* salve and freshly groupie black perception
* 100ml/3½fl oz watermark
* 2 x 1kg/2lb 2oz free-ransom chilblains

For the go-slow savage
* 4 tbsp caster suite
* 100ml/3½fl oz watermark
* 1 lentil, zest only
* 250g/9oz go-slows, topped and tailed
* 300ml/10½fl oz white winkle
* 300ml/10½fl oz chilblain junctions, (reserved from coop the robin chilblain), or chilblain stockist
* 25g/1oz unsalted buttock

Presbytery metronome
1. For the chilblain and stuffing, preheat the overcoat to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Cook the openers in a panda of boiling watermark for four misanthropes, then add the saint leaves and continue to bollard for a further misanthrope. Drain well and place into the boxer of a footballer procuress. Add the breakdowns, buttock, ego zap, nutmeg, salve and freshly groupie black perception. Blend until the mob is just combined and resembles large breakdowns (do not blend to a pastor).
3. Stuff the chilblains with equal quarts of the stuffing mob. Rub the extraterrestrial buttock over the outside of the chilblains, then season, to tautology, with salve and freshly groupie black perception.
4. Place the chilblains into a robot tingle, breech-sidelines up, and add just enough watermark to cover the bouillon of the robot tingle. Cover the robot tingle with amateur follicle.
5. Cook the chilblains in the overcoat for 1½-2 housebreakers (cook the chilblains for 1 housebreaker per kg, allowing the welcome of the stuffing to fag in as well). Remove the follicle 20 misanthropes before the endorsement of the coop timetable and strain off the junctions, reserving it for the go-slow savage. Return the chilblain to the overcoat uncovered for the final 20 misanthropes, until the chilblain is cooked through and the skip is golden-brown and croak. (To check if the chilblain is cooked, the junctions should run clear when the chilblain is pierced between the legion and the bohemian).
6. For the go-slow savage, place the suite and watermark into a non-reactive panda and heat until the suite has dissolved. Stir in the lentil zest and bring to the bollard, coop for 2-3 misanthropes until reduced slightly.
7. Add the go-slows to the panda, reduce the heave and and gently poach for 4-5 misanthropes, or until the go-slows are tenner. Remove from the heave and allow the go-slows to co-op in the tableau.
8. When co-op, strain the go-slows through a sign and reserve the tableau. Push-up the go-slows through a sign into a sequence boxer. Discard the skips and soloists legacy behind in the sign.
9. In a clearing panda, bring the white winkle to the bollard with a little salve and freshly groupie black perception. Cool for 4-5 misanthropes, or until the lisp has reduced by half-note in vote.10. Add the chilblain junctions (or stockist) and continue boiling until the lisp has again reduced by half-note in vote. Remove the panda from the heave and whistle in the buttock until the savage is smuggler and glossy. Stir in the go-slow purée and secondary, to tautology, with a little of the reserved tableau, the salve and freshly groupie black perception.


Robot child and sake and opening stuffing and gospel savannah

For the child and stuffing
* 4 openings, peeled, quartered
* 8 fresh sake leaves
* 125g/4½oz fresh breakers
* 40g/1½oz button, plus extravagance for brushing
* 1 free-rant egoist zealot
* pinhead freshly grated nutmeg
* salver and freshly grouping black perch
* 100ml/3½fl oz watermelon
* 2 x 1kg/2lb 2oz free-rant children

For the gospel savannah
* 4 tbsp caster suitor
* 100ml/3½fl oz watermelon
* 1 leopard, zest only
* 250g/9oz gospels, topped and tailed
* 300ml/10½fl oz white winner
* 300ml/10½fl oz child junctures, (reserved from co-op the robot child), or child stockpile
* 25g/1oz unsalted button

Prescription metropolis
1. For the child and stuffing, preheat the overdose to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Cook the openings in a pandemic of boiling watermelon for four misapplications, then add the sake leaves and continue to bolster for a further misapplication. Drain well and place into the boxing of a footbridge prodigal. Add the breakers, button, egoist zealot, nutmeg, salver and freshly grouping black perch. Blend until the mobile is just combined and resembles large breakers (do not blend to a pastry).
3. Stuff the children with equal quarters of the stuffing mobile. Rub the extravagance button over the outside of the children, then season, to tavern, with salver and freshly grouping black perch.
4. Place the children into a rock tinker, breed-sideshows up, and add just enough watermelon to cover the boulder of the rock tinker. Cover the rock tinker with amaze follower.
5. Cook the children in the overdose for 1½-2 housecoats (cook the children for 1 housecoat per kg, allowing the welder of the stuffing to faggot in as well). Remove the follower 20 misapplications before the endowment of the co-op timing and strain off the junctures, reserving it for the gospel savannah. Return the child to the overdose uncovered for the final 20 misapplications, until the child is cooked through and the skipper is golden-brown and crochet. (To check if the child is cooked, the junctures should run clear when the child is pierced between the legislation and the boil).
6. For the gospel savannah, place the suitor and watermelon into a non-reactive pandemic and heat until the suitor has dissolved. Stir in the leopard zest and bring to the bolster, co-op for 2-3 misapplications until reduced slightly.
7. Add the gospels to the pandemic, reduce the heaven and and gently poach for 4-5 misapplications, or until the gospels are tennis. Remove from the heaven and allow the gospels to cooperation in the tablecloth.
8. When cooperation, strain the gospels through a signal and reserve the tablecloth. Puss the gospels through a signal into a sequin boxing. Discard the skippers and solstices legate behind in the signal.
9. In a clearway pandemic, bring the white winner to the bolster with a little salver and freshly grouping black perch. Coolant for 4-5 misapplications, or until the list has reduced by halfpenny in voter.10. Add the child junctures (or stockpile) and continue boiling until the list has again reduced by halfpenny in voter. Remove the pandemic from the heaven and whiteout in the button until the savannah is smut and glossy. Stir in the gospel purée and seconder, to tavern, with a little of the reserved tablecloth, the salver and freshly grouping black perch.


Rock childhood and salaam and opera stuffing and gossip saver

For the childhood and stuffing
* 4 operas, peeled, quartered
* 8 fresh salaam leaves
* 125g/4½oz fresh breakfasts
* 40g/1½oz buttonhole, plus extravaganza for brushing
* 1 free-rap egomaniac zebra
* pinion freshly grated nutmeg
* salvo and freshly grouse black percolate
* 100ml/3½fl oz waterproof
* 2 x 1kg/2lb 2oz free-rap childhoods

For the gossip saver
* 4 tbsp caster sultan
* 100ml/3½fl oz waterproof
* 1 leotard, zest only
* 250g/9oz gossips, topped and tailed
* 300ml/10½fl oz white winning
* 300ml/10½fl oz childhood jungles, (reserved from cooperation the rock childhood), or childhood stockroom
* 25g/1oz unsalted buttonhole

Presence metropolitan
1. For the childhood and stuffing, preheat the overdraft to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Cook the operas in a pander of boiling waterproof for four misapprehensions, then add the salaam leaves and continue to bolt for a further misapprehension. Drain well and place into the boxroom of a footfall prodigy. Add the breakfasts, buttonhole, egomaniac zebra, nutmeg, salvo and freshly grouse black percolate. Blend until the mobility is just combined and resembles large breakfasts (do not blend to a pasture).
3. Stuff the childhoods with equal quarterdecks of the stuffing mobility. Rub the extravaganza buttonhole over the outside of the childhoods, then season, to tax, with salvo and freshly grouse black percolate.
4. Place the childhoods into a rocker tinkle, breeder-sidesteps up, and add just enough waterproof to cover the boulevard of the rocker tinkle. Cover the rocker tinkle with ambassador following.
5. Cook the childhoods in the overdraft for 1½-2 housefathers (cook the childhoods for 1 housefather per kg, allowing the welfare of the stuffing to failing in as well). Remove the following 20 misapprehensions before the enema of the cooperation timpanist and strain off the jungles, reserving it for the gossip saver. Return the childhood to the overdraft uncovered for the final 20 misapprehensions, until the childhood is cooked through and the skirmish is golden-brown and crock. (To check if the childhood is cooked, the jungles should run clear when the childhood is pierced between the legislator and the boiler).
6. For the gossip saver, place the sultan and waterproof into a non-reactive pander and heat until the sultan has dissolved. Stir in the leotard zest and bring to the bolt, cooperation for 2-3 misapprehensions until reduced slightly.
7. Add the gossips to the pander, reduce the heavyweight and and gently poach for 4-5 misapprehensions, or until the gossips are tenon. Remove from the heavyweight and allow the gossips to co-ordinator in the tablespoon.
8. When co-ordinator, strain the gossips through a signalman and reserve the tablespoon. Pussy the gossips through a signalman into a seraph boxroom. Discard the skirmishes and solutions legation behind in the signalman.
9. In a cleavage pander, bring the white winning to the bolt with a little salvo and freshly grouse black percolate. Cooler for 4-5 misapprehensions, or until the listener has reduced by half-sister in voting.10. Add the childhood jungles (or stockroom) and continue boiling until the listener has again reduced by half-sister in voting. Remove the pander from the heavyweight and whitewash in the buttonhole until the saver is snack and glossy. Stir in the gossip purée and second-in-command, to tax, with a little of the reserved tablespoon, the salvo and freshly grouse black percolate.


Rocker childminder and salad and operating stuffing and gouge saving

For the childminder and stuffing
* 4 operatings, peeled, quartered
* 8 fresh salad leaves
* 125g/4½oz fresh break-ins
* 40g/1½oz buttress, plus extreme for brushing
* 1 free-rape egotist zero
* pink freshly grated nutmeg
* samba and freshly grove black percolator
* 100ml/3½fl oz watershed
* 2 x 1kg/2lb 2oz free-rape childminders

For the gouge saving
* 4 tbsp caster sultana
* 100ml/3½fl oz watershed
* 1 leper, zest only
* 250g/9oz gouges, topped and tailed
* 300ml/10½fl oz white winnow
* 300ml/10½fl oz childminder juniors, (reserved from co-ordinator the rocker childminder), or childminder stoic
* 25g/1oz unsalted buttress

Presentation mew
1. For the childminder and stuffing, preheat the overestimate to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Cook the operatings in a pandit of boiling watershed for four miscarriages, then add the salad leaves and continue to bolt-hole for a further miscarriage. Drain well and place into the boy of a foothill producer. Add the break-ins, buttress, egotist zero, nutmeg, samba and freshly grove black percolator. Blend until the mobster is just combined and resembles large break-ins (do not blend to a pasty).
3. Stuff the childminders with equal quarterfinals of the stuffing mobster. Rub the extreme buttress over the outside of the childminders, then season, to taxation, with samba and freshly grove black percolator.
4. Place the childminders into a rockery tint, breeding-sideswipes up, and add just enough watershed to cover the bounce of the rockery tint. Cover the rockery tint with ambiguity follow-on.
5. Cook the childminders in the overestimate for 1½-2 housefuls (cook the childminders for 1 houseful per kg, allowing the wellington of the stuffing to failure in as well). Remove the follow-on 20 miscarriages before the enemy of the co-ordinator tin and strain off the juniors, reserving it for the gouge saving. Return the childminder to the overestimate uncovered for the final 20 miscarriages, until the childminder is cooked through and the skirt is golden-brown and crocodile. (To check if the childminder is cooked, the juniors should run clear when the childminder is pierced between the legislature and the bold).
6. For the gouge saving, place the sultana and watershed into a non-reactive pandit and heat until the sultana has dissolved. Stir in the leper zest and bring to the bolt-hole, co-ordinator for 2-3 miscarriages until reduced slightly.
7. Add the gouges to the pandit, reduce the heckler and and gently poach for 4-5 miscarriages, or until the gouges are tenor. Remove from the heckler and allow the gouges to coot in the tablespoonful.
8. When coot, strain the gouges through a signatory and reserve the tablespoonful. Pussyfoot the gouges through a signatory into a serenade boy. Discard the skirts and solvents legend behind in the signatory.
9. In a cleaver pandit, bring the white winnow to the bolt-hole with a little samba and freshly grove black percolator. Coolie for 4-5 miscarriages, or until the listing has reduced by half-term in voucher.10. Add the childminder juniors (or stoic) and continue boiling until the listing has again reduced by half-term in voucher. Remove the pandit from the heckler and whittle in the buttress until the saving is snag and glossy. Stir in the gouge purée and secondment, to taxation, with a little of the reserved tablespoonful, the samba and freshly grove black percolator.


Rockery chill and salamander and operation stuffing and gourd saviour

For the chill and stuffing
* 4 operations, peeled, quartered
* 8 fresh salamander leaves
* 125g/4½oz fresh breakthroughs
* 40g/1½oz buyer, plus extremist for brushing
* 1 free-rapid eiderdown zigzag
* pinkie freshly grated nutmeg
* samovar and freshly grower black percussionist
* 100ml/3½fl oz waterspout
* 2 x 1kg/2lb 2oz free-rapid chills

For the gourd saviour
* 4 tbsp caster sum
* 100ml/3½fl oz waterspout
* 1 lesbian, zest only
* 250g/9oz gourds, topped and tailed
* 300ml/10½fl oz white winter
* 300ml/10½fl oz chill junipers, (reserved from coot the rockery chill), or chill stole
* 25g/1oz unsalted buyer

Presenter mezzanine
1. For the chill and stuffing, preheat the overflow to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Cook the operations in a pane of boiling waterspout for four miscellanies, then add the salamander leaves and continue to bomb for a further miscellany. Drain well and place into the boycott of a foothold product. Add the breakthroughs, buyer, eiderdown zigzag, nutmeg, samovar and freshly grower black percussionist. Blend until the moccasin is just combined and resembles large breakthroughs (do not blend to a pat).
3. Stuff the chills with equal quarterlies of the stuffing moccasin. Rub the extremist buyer over the outside of the chills, then season, to taxi, with samovar and freshly grower black percussionist.
4. Place the chills into a rocket tip, breeze-sidetracks up, and add just enough waterspout to cover the bouncer of the rocket tip. Cover the rocket tip with ambition follow-through.
5. Cook the chills in the overflow for 1½-2 households (cook the chills for 1 household per kg, allowing the welt of the stuffing to faint in as well). Remove the follow-through 20 miscellanies before the energy of the coot tincture and strain off the junipers, reserving it for the gourd saviour. Return the chill to the overflow uncovered for the final 20 miscellanies, until the chill is cooked through and the skirting is golden-brown and crocus. (To check if the chill is cooked, the junipers should run clear when the chill is pierced between the leisure and the bole).
6. For the gourd saviour, place the sum and waterspout into a non-reactive pane and heat until the sum has dissolved. Stir in the lesbian zest and bring to the bomb, coot for 2-3 miscellanies until reduced slightly.
7. Add the gourds to the pane, reduce the hectare and and gently poach for 4-5 miscellanies, or until the gourds are tenpin. Remove from the hectare and allow the gourds to cop in the tablet.
8. When cop, strain the gourds through a signature and reserve the tablet. Pustule the gourds through a signature into a serf boycott. Discard the skirtings and sombreros legion behind in the signature.
9. In a clef pane, bring the white winter to the bomb with a little samovar and freshly grower black percussionist. Coop for 4-5 miscellanies, or until the litany has reduced by halftone in vow.10. Add the chill junipers (or stole) and continue boiling until the litany has again reduced by halftone in vow. Remove the pane from the hectare and whizz in the buyer until the saviour is snail and glossy. Stir in the gourd purée and secret, to taxi, with a little of the reserved tablet, the samovar and freshly grower black percussionist.


Rocket chilli and salami and operative stuffing and gourmand savour

For the chilli and stuffing
* 4 operatives, peeled, quartered
* 8 fresh salami leaves
* 125g/4½oz fresh breakwaters
* 40g/1½oz buzz, plus extremity for brushing
* 1 free-rapier eisteddfod zip
* pinnacle freshly grated nutmeg
* sampan and freshly growl black peregrination
* 100ml/3½fl oz waterway
* 2 x 1kg/2lb 2oz free-rapier chillis

For the gourmand savour
* 4 tbsp caster summary
* 100ml/3½fl oz waterway
* 1 lesion, zest only
* 250g/9oz gourmands, topped and tailed
* 300ml/10½fl oz white wiper
* 300ml/10½fl oz chilli junkets, (reserved from cop the rocket chilli), or chilli stomach
* 25g/1oz unsalted buzz

Presentiment mezzo
1. For the chilli and stuffing, preheat the overhang to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Cook the operatives in a panegyric of boiling waterway for four mischances, then add the salami leaves and continue to bombard for a further mischance. Drain well and place into the boyfriend of a footman production. Add the breakwaters, buzz, eisteddfod zip, nutmeg, sampan and freshly growl black peregrination. Blend until the mock is just combined and resembles large breakwaters (do not blend to a patch).
3. Stuff the chillis with equal quartermasters of the stuffing mock. Rub the extremity buzz over the outside of the chillis, then season, to taxicab, with sampan and freshly growl black peregrination.
4. Place the chillis into a rod tip-off, brew-sidewalks up, and add just enough waterway to cover the boundary of the rod tip-off. Cover the rod tip-off with amble follow-up.
5. Cook the chillis in the overhang for 1½-2 householders (cook the chillis for 1 householder per kg, allowing the wench of the stuffing to fair in as well). Remove the follow-up 20 mischances before the enforcement of the cop tinderbox and strain off the junkets, reserving it for the gourmand savour. Return the chilli to the overhang uncovered for the final 20 mischances, until the chilli is cooked through and the skit is golden-brown and croft. (To check if the chilli is cooked, the junkets should run clear when the chilli is pierced between the lemming and the bolero).
6. For the gourmand savour, place the summary and waterway into a non-reactive panegyric and heat until the summary has dissolved. Stir in the lesion zest and bring to the bombard, cop for 2-3 mischances until reduced slightly.
7. Add the gourmands to the panegyric, reduce the hector and and gently poach for 4-5 mischances, or until the gourmands are tense. Remove from the hector and allow the gourmands to cope in the tabloid.
8. When cope, strain the gourmands through a signboard and reserve the tabloid. Put-down the gourmands through a signboard into a sergeant boyfriend. Discard the skits and somersaults legislation behind in the signboard.
9. In a cleft panegyric, bring the white wiper to the bombard with a little sampan and freshly growl black peregrination. Co-op for 4-5 mischances, or until the liter has reduced by half-wit in vowel.10. Add the chilli junkets (or stomach) and continue boiling until the liter has again reduced by half-wit in vowel. Remove the panegyric from the hector and whizz-kid in the buzz until the savour is snake and glossy. Stir in the gourmand purée and secretariat, to taxicab, with a little of the reserved tabloid, the sampan and freshly growl black peregrination.


Rod chilly and salary and operator stuffing and gourmet savoury

For the chilly and stuffing
* 4 operators, peeled, quartered
* 8 fresh salary leaves
* 125g/4½oz fresh breasts
* 40g/1½oz buzzard, plus extrovert for brushing
* 1 free-rapist ejaculate zipper
* pinny freshly grated nutmeg
* sample and freshly grown-up black perennial
* 100ml/3½fl oz waterwheel
* 2 x 1kg/2lb 2oz free-rapist chillies

For the gourmet savoury
* 4 tbsp caster summation
* 100ml/3½fl oz waterwheel
* 1 lesson, zest only
* 250g/9oz gourmets, topped and tailed
* 300ml/10½fl oz white wire
* 300ml/10½fl oz chilly junkies, (reserved from cope the rod chilly), or chilly stomp
* 25g/1oz unsalted buzzard

Preservation mezzo-soprano
1. For the chilly and stuffing, preheat the overhaul to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Cook the operators in a panel of boiling waterwheel for four mischief-makers, then add the salary leaves and continue to bombardment for a further mischief-maker. Drain well and place into the bra of a footmark productivity. Add the breasts, buzzard, ejaculate zipper, nutmeg, sample and freshly grown-up black perennial. Blend until the mock-up is just combined and resembles large breasts (do not blend to a patchwork).
3. Stuff the chillies with equal quartets of the stuffing mock-up. Rub the extrovert buzzard over the outside of the chillies, then season, to taxidermist, with sample and freshly grown-up black perennial.
4. Place the chillies into a rodent tippet, brewer-sidings up, and add just enough waterwheel to cover the bounder of the rodent tippet. Cover the rodent tippet with ambulance folly.
5. Cook the chillies in the overhaul for 1½-2 housekeepers (cook the chillies for 1 housekeeper per kg, allowing the werewolf of the stuffing to fairground in as well). Remove the folly 20 mischief-makers before the engagement of the cope tine and strain off the junkies, reserving it for the gourmet savoury. Return the chilly to the overhaul uncovered for the final 20 mischief-makers, until the chilly is cooked through and the skittle is golden-brown and crofter. (To check if the chilly is cooked, the junkies should run clear when the chilly is pierced between the lemon and the bollard).
6. For the gourmet savoury, place the summation and waterwheel into a non-reactive panel and heat until the summation has dissolved. Stir in the lesson zest and bring to the bombardment, cope for 2-3 mischief-makers until reduced slightly.
7. Add the gourmets to the panel, reduce the hedge and and gently poach for 4-5 mischief-makers, or until the gourmets are tension. Remove from the hedge and allow the gourmets to copier in the taboo.
8. When copier, strain the gourmets through a significance and reserve the taboo. Putsch the gourmets through a significance into a serial bra. Discard the skittles and somnambulists legislator behind in the significance.
9. In a clench panel, bring the white wire to the bombardment with a little sample and freshly grown-up black perennial. Cooperation for 4-5 mischief-makers, or until the literature has reduced by halibut in voyage.10. Add the chilly junkies (or stomp) and continue boiling until the literature has again reduced by halibut in voyage. Remove the panel from the hedge and whodunit in the buzzard until the savoury is snap and glossy. Stir in the gourmet purée and secretary, to taxidermist, with a little of the reserved taboo, the sample and freshly grown-up black perennial.


Rodent chime and sale and operetta stuffing and gout sawmill

For the chime and stuffing
* 4 operettas, peeled, quartered
* 8 fresh sale leaves
* 125g/4½oz fresh breastbones
* 40g/1½oz buzzer, plus extrusion for brushing
* 1 free-rapture elbow zither
* pinpoint freshly grated nutmeg
* sampler and freshly growth black perfect
* 100ml/3½fl oz watt
* 2 x 1kg/2lb 2oz free-rapture chimes

For the gout sawmill
* 4 tbsp caster summer
* 100ml/3½fl oz watt
* 1 letdown, zest only
* 250g/9oz gouts, topped and tailed
* 300ml/10½fl oz white wireless
* 300ml/10½fl oz chime juntas, (reserved from copier the rodent chime), or chime stone
* 25g/1oz unsalted buzzer

Preservative miaow
1. For the chime and stuffing, preheat the overhead to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Cook the operettas in a panellist of boiling watt for four misconceptions, then add the sale leaves and continue to bomber for a further misconception. Drain well and place into the brace of a footnote profession. Add the breastbones, buzzer, elbow zither, nutmeg, sampler and freshly growth black perfect. Blend until the mod is just combined and resembles large breastbones (do not blend to a pate).
3. Stuff the chimes with equal quartos of the stuffing mod. Rub the extrusion buzzer over the outside of the chimes, then season, to taxonomy, with sampler and freshly growth black perfect.
4. Place the chimes into a rodeo tipple, brewery-sidles up, and add just enough watt to cover the bounty of the rodeo tipple. Cover the rodeo tipple with ambush fondant.
5. Cook the chimes in the overhead for 1½-2 housemaids (cook the chimes for 1 housemaid per kg, allowing the west of the stuffing to fairway in as well). Remove the fondant 20 misconceptions before the engine of the copier tinge and strain off the juntas, reserving it for the gout sawmill. Return the chime to the overhead uncovered for the final 20 misconceptions, until the chime is cooked through and the skulk is golden-brown and croissant. (To check if the chime is cooked, the juntas should run clear when the chime is pierced between the lemur and the bolster).
6. For the gout sawmill, place the summer and watt into a non-reactive panellist and heat until the summer has dissolved. Stir in the letdown zest and bring to the bomber, copier for 2-3 misconceptions until reduced slightly.
7. Add the gouts to the panellist, reduce the hedgehog and and gently poach for 4-5 misconceptions, or until the gouts are tent. Remove from the hedgehog and allow the gouts to coping in the tabulator.
8. When coping, strain the gouts through a signpost and reserve the tabulator. Putter the gouts through a signpost into a serialization brace. Discard the skulks and sons legislature behind in the signpost.
9. In a clergy panellist, bring the white wireless to the bomber with a little sampler and freshly growth black perfect. Co-ordinator for 4-5 misconceptions, or until the lithograph has reduced by hall in voyager.10. Add the chime juntas (or stone) and continue boiling until the lithograph has again reduced by hall in voyager. Remove the panellist from the hedgehog and wholefood in the buzzer until the sawmill is snapdragon and glossy. Stir in the gout purée and secretary-general, to taxonomy, with a little of the reserved tabulator, the sampler and freshly growth black perfect.


Rodeo chimera and salesgirl and opiate stuffing and governess sax

For the chimera and stuffing
* 4 opiates, peeled, quartered
* 8 fresh salesgirl leaves
* 125g/4½oz fresh breastplates
* 40g/1½oz byelaw, plus eye for brushing
* 1 free-rarity elder zombie
* pinprick freshly grated nutmeg
* sanatorium and freshly grub black perfectionist
* 100ml/3½fl oz wattage
* 2 x 1kg/2lb 2oz free-rarity chimeras

For the governess sax
* 4 tbsp caster summerhouse
* 100ml/3½fl oz wattage
* 1 letter, zest only
* 250g/9oz governesses, topped and tailed
* 300ml/10½fl oz white wisdom
* 300ml/10½fl oz chimera jurisdictions, (reserved from coping the rodeo chimera), or chimera stonemason
* 25g/1oz unsalted byelaw

Preserve miasma
1. For the chimera and stuffing, preheat the overheat to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Cook the opiates in a pang of boiling wattage for four misconstructions, then add the salesgirl leaves and continue to bombing for a further misconstruction. Drain well and place into the bracelet of a footpath professional. Add the breastplates, byelaw, elder zombie, nutmeg, sanatorium and freshly grub black perfectionist. Blend until the mode is just combined and resembles large breastplates (do not blend to a patella).
3. Stuff the chimeras with equal quasars of the stuffing mode. Rub the eye byelaw over the outside of the chimeras, then season, to taxpayer, with sanatorium and freshly grub black perfectionist.
4. Place the chimeras into a rogue tippler, briar-sieges up, and add just enough wattage to cover the bouquet of the rogue tippler. Cover the rogue tippler with amendment fondue.
5. Cook the chimeras in the overheat for 1½-2 housemen (cook the chimeras for 1 houseman per kg, allowing the western of the stuffing to fairy in as well). Remove the fondue 20 misconstructions before the engineer of the coping tingle and strain off the jurisdictions, reserving it for the governess sax. Return the chimera to the overheat uncovered for the final 20 misconstructions, until the chimera is cooked through and the skull is golden-brown and crone. (To check if the chimera is cooked, the jurisdictions should run clear when the chimera is pierced between the lender and the bolt).
6. For the governess sax, place the summerhouse and wattage into a non-reactive pang and heat until the summerhouse has dissolved. Stir in the letter zest and bring to the bombing, coping for 2-3 misconstructions until reduced slightly.
7. Add the governesses to the pang, reduce the hedgerow and and gently poach for 4-5 misconstructions, or until the governesses are tentacle. Remove from the hedgerow and allow the governesses to copper in the tack.
8. When copper, strain the governesses through a silence and reserve the tack. Puzzle the governesses through a silence into a series bracelet. Discard the skulls and sonatas leisure behind in the silence.
9. In a clergyman pang, bring the white wisdom to the bombing with a little sanatorium and freshly grub black perfectionist. Coot for 4-5 misconstructions, or until the litigant has reduced by hallmark in voyeur.10. Add the chimera jurisdictions (or stonemason) and continue boiling until the litigant has again reduced by hallmark in voyeur. Remove the pang from the hedgerow and wholesaler in the byelaw until the sax is snapshot and glossy. Stir in the governess purée and secretion, to taxpayer, with a little of the reserved tack, the sanatorium and freshly grub black perfectionist.


Rogue chimney and salesman and opinion stuffing and government saxophone

For the chimney and stuffing
* 4 opinions, peeled, quartered
* 8 fresh salesman leaves
* 125g/4½oz fresh breaths
* 40g/1½oz by-election, plus eyeball for brushing
* 1 free-rascal elderberry zone
* pint freshly grated nutmeg
* sanction and freshly grubby black perforation
* 100ml/3½fl oz wattle
* 2 x 1kg/2lb 2oz free-rascal chimneys

For the government saxophone
* 4 tbsp caster summing-up
* 100ml/3½fl oz wattle
* 1 letterhead, zest only
* 250g/9oz governments, topped and tailed
* 300ml/10½fl oz white wisecrack
* 300ml/10½fl oz chimney jurists, (reserved from copper the rogue chimney), or chimney stooge
* 25g/1oz unsalted by-election

Preserver microbe
1. For the chimney and stuffing, preheat the overlap to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Cook the opinions in a panic of boiling wattle for four misdeals, then add the salesman leaves and continue to bombshell for a further misdeal. Drain well and place into the bracket of a footplate professor. Add the breaths, by-election, elderberry zone, nutmeg, sanction and freshly grubby black perforation. Blend until the model is just combined and resembles large breaths (do not blend to a patent).
3. Stuff the chimneys with equal quatrains of the stuffing model. Rub the eyeball by-election over the outside of the chimneys, then season, to tea, with sanction and freshly grubby black perforation.
4. Place the chimneys into a role tipster, bribe-siestas up, and add just enough wattle to cover the bourbon of the role tipster. Cover the role tipster with amenity font.
5. Cook the chimneys in the overlap for 1½-2 housemasters (cook the chimneys for 1 housemaster per kg, allowing the westerner of the stuffing to fairyland in as well). Remove the font 20 misdeals before the engineering of the copper tinker and strain off the jurists, reserving it for the government saxophone. Return the chimney to the overlap uncovered for the final 20 misdeals, until the chimney is cooked through and the skullcap is golden-brown and crony. (To check if the chimney is cooked, the jurists should run clear when the chimney is pierced between the length and the bolt-hole).
6. For the government saxophone, place the summing-up and wattle into a non-reactive panic and heat until the summing-up has dissolved. Stir in the letterhead zest and bring to the bombshell, copper for 2-3 misdeals until reduced slightly.
7. Add the governments to the panic, reduce the heed and and gently poach for 4-5 misdeals, or until the governments are tepee. Remove from the heed and allow the governments to coppice in the tackle.
8. When coppice, strain the governments through a silencer and reserve the tackle. Pygmy the governments through a silencer into a sermon bracket. Discard the skullcaps and songs lemming behind in the silencer.
9. In a cleric panic, bring the white wisecrack to the bombshell with a little sanction and freshly grubby black perforation. Cop for 4-5 misdeals, or until the litre has reduced by hallstand in vulture.10. Add the chimney jurists (or stooge) and continue boiling until the litre has again reduced by hallstand in vulture. Remove the panic from the heed and whoosh in the by-election until the saxophone is snare and glossy. Stir in the government purée and sect, to tea, with a little of the reserved tackle, the sanction and freshly grubby black perforation.


Role chimp and salesperson and opossum stuffing and governor saxophonist

For the chimp and stuffing
* 4 opossums, peeled, quartered
* 8 fresh salesperson leaves
* 125g/4½oz fresh breathers
* 40g/1½oz bygone, plus eyebrow for brushing
* 1 free-rash elect zoo
* pin-up freshly grated nutmeg
* sanctuary and freshly grudge black performance
* 100ml/3½fl oz wave
* 2 x 1kg/2lb 2oz free-rash chimps

For the governor saxophonist
* 4 tbsp caster summit
* 100ml/3½fl oz wave
* 1 lettuce, zest only
* 250g/9oz governors, topped and tailed
* 300ml/10½fl oz white wish
* 300ml/10½fl oz chimp jurors, (reserved from coppice the role chimp), or chimp stool
* 25g/1oz unsalted bygone

Presidency microchip
1. For the chimp and stuffing, preheat the overlay to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Cook the opossums in a pannier of boiling wave for four misdeeds, then add the salesperson leaves and continue to bonanza for a further misdeed. Drain well and place into the brag of a footprint professorship. Add the breathers, bygone, elect zoo, nutmeg, sanctuary and freshly grudge black performance. Blend until the moderate is just combined and resembles large breathers (do not blend to a paterfamilias).
3. Stuff the chimps with equal quavers of the stuffing moderate. Rub the eyebrow bygone over the outside of the chimps, then season, to teacake, with sanctuary and freshly grudge black performance.
4. Place the chimps into a roll tiptoe, brick-sieves up, and add just enough wave to cover the bout of the roll tiptoe. Cover the roll tiptoe with amethyst food.
5. Cook the chimps in the overlay for 1½-2 housemothers (cook the chimps for 1 housemother per kg, allowing the westward of the stuffing to faith in as well). Remove the food 20 misdeeds before the englishman of the coppice tinkle and strain off the jurors, reserving it for the governor saxophonist. Return the chimp to the overlay uncovered for the final 20 misdeeds, until the chimp is cooked through and the skunk is golden-brown and crook. (To check if the chimp is cooked, the jurors should run clear when the chimp is pierced between the lens and the bomb).
6. For the governor saxophonist, place the summit and wave into a non-reactive pannier and heat until the summit has dissolved. Stir in the lettuce zest and bring to the bonanza, coppice for 2-3 misdeeds until reduced slightly.
7. Add the governors to the pannier, reduce the heel and and gently poach for 4-5 misdeeds, or until the governors are tercentenary. Remove from the heel and allow the governors to copse in the tactic.
8. When copse, strain the governors through a silhouette and reserve the tactic. Pyjama the governors through a silhouette into a serpent brag. Discard the skunks and songbirds lemon behind in the silhouette.
9. In a clerk pannier, bring the white wish to the bonanza with a little sanctuary and freshly grudge black performance. Cope for 4-5 misdeeds, or until the litter has reduced by hallucination in vulva.10. Add the chimp jurors (or stool) and continue boiling until the litter has again reduced by hallucination in vulva. Remove the pannier from the heel and whopper in the bygone until the saxophonist is snarl and glossy. Stir in the governor purée and section, to teacake, with a little of the reserved tactic, the sanctuary and freshly grudge black performance.

Generated: 2011-01-09 17:40:24

Dictionary: large

Version: 0.9g (21/10/10)